Women’s Welfare Department (WWD) is part of the global socio-spiritual organization Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. The aim of WWD is to improve the allround situation for women and to encourage a respectful relationship in society between men and women. As P.R. Sarkar, the founder of WWD said – “a society can not fly only on one wing”.

P.R. Sarkar coined the term coordinated cooperation which means that not one party is subordinated the other, but rather work together in support of each other, each in their own strength.

WWD is dedicated to empower women and girls through various projects and activities such as schools, organic farms, children homes, collective meditation. We have a vision of a society which sees women as valued and respected parts of the community.

The main work of WWD is to infuse women with spirituality through kiirtan chanting, deep tantric meditation and service.