
Kaos’ikii means “dance for mental expansion” and was given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. It is a dance primarily for women although it may be performed by either men or women.
Kaos’ikii is a “mudraic” dance. A “mudra” is a gesture of the hands, which express a subtle idea. Indian and Oriental classical dance are based on hundreds of mudras.
Kaos’ikii is a dance, which was invented on the sixth of September 1978 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti. It is a psychospiritual dance; it has a beneficial effect on the mind, it develops mental stamina and mental strength. It is especially beneficial for women; it can cure twentytwo diseases and it enables an easy delivery in childbirth.
In the words of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti who said; “This dance is both an exercise and a medicine for twenty-two diseases. It is a sort of panacea for almost all female diseases, and for many male diseases in younger boys. It is a medicine for most liver diseases. It ensures safe deliveries for women, and also checks the advent of old age. It is a medicine.”
Benefits of Kaos’ikii:
Kaos’ikii when done regularly is an antidote to twenty-two types of diseases. It is especially helpful for small diseases like liver trouble. It is a panacea for almost all female diseases and for many male diseases in young boys.
Below are the benefits of Kaos’ikii:
- It exercises all the glands and limbs from head to foot.
- It increase longevity by checking the advent of old age.
- It ensures safe and easy deliveries for women.
- The spine will become flexible.
- Arthritis of the spine, neck, waist and other joints will be removed.
- Gout in the spine, neck, hands and waist will be lost.
- The mind becomes strong and sharp.
- Irregularities in menstruation will be cured.
- Glandular secretions will become regulated.
- Troubles in the bladder and urethra will be cured.
- It gives control over the limbs
- It adds charms and shine to the face and skin.
- It removes wrinkles.
- It removes lethargy.
- It cures insomnia.
- It cures hysteria.
- Fear complexes will be removed.
- Hopelessness will be lost.
- It helps in self-expression and develops one’s potentiality.
- Spinal pain, piles, hernia, hydrocele in men, nervous pain, and nervous disability will be cured.
- It cures kidney and gall bladder troubles, gastric troubles, dyspepsia, acidity, dysentery, syphilis, gonorrhea, obesity, thinness and liver diseases.
- It increases the capacity to work until 75-80 years of age.
Meaning of the Mudra in Kaos’ikii:
Each movement of the arms in Kaos’ikii conveys a specific meaning, that is why it is considered a mudraic dance.
- The two hands when upraised and folded together represent: “Now I am trying toestablish a link with the Supreme”
- Both hands bending to the right indicate: “I know the right way to request you”.
- The leftward movement represents:” I know how to fulfill your demands”.
- The movement of bending in front suggests complete surrender.
- The backward bending represents:” I am ready to face all troubles that maycome”.
- The last two stamping of the feet represents, “ O Supreme, I repeat your rhythm”.
The Steps and Movements of Kaos’ikii:
Beginning Pose: Arms above the head, close to the ears, palms touching each other (photo).
- Bending to the right, stepping: the body bends to the right in three movements, 10° at a time. At the same time the foot steps behind the heel (start with the right foot behind the left heel) (photo).
- Back to Starting Position: in the same manner, the upper portion of the body returns to the starting position with three movements each 10° until one reaches the starting position (photo).
- Bending to the left, stepping: repeat the body and step movements to the left (photo).
- Back to Starting Position: the upper torso returns to the starting position (photo).
- Arms forward: continuing the rhythmic dance step, extend the arms forward, head tucked in between the arms (photo).
- Arms, Head Down: bend the body downward and try to touch the fingers to the floor (photo).
- Return to Starting Position: raise the body and arms until again they reach starting position, while maintaining the rhythmic stepping of the toe behind the heel (photo).
- Bend the body backward: bend the upper torso from the waist backward, two movements, with arms overhead and as close to the ears as possible (photo).
- Return to Starting Position: return the body in two steps back to the starting position (photo).
- Hit the balls of the feet against the floor, first right, and then left (photo).